Enrollment Information
Download a New Student Referral Form, fill it out, and email it to our School Therapist, Pamela Mallett, at pam.mallett@maplehillschoolandfarm.org, or mail it to Maplehill School and Farm, Attn: Pamela Mallett, P.O. Box 248, Plainfield, VT 05667 to begin the process.
Maplehill School New Student Referral Form
Parents, guardians, case workers, special educators, school districts or others may contact Maplehill School to discuss placement and program options for a student. In all cases, Maplehill School will refer direct inquiries back to the student’s home school district as a means to discuss potential enrollment.
Initial Information Exchange
Once a referral form has been received, a representative of Maplehill School and a representative of the applicant’s sending school will discuss the student's needs and the school’s capacity to meet those needs. If it is determined that our program may be a good fit for the student, a records request will be be submitted to the sending school.
Introductory Tour
Student and selected student representatives (parent/s, caregiver/s, school official, state agency, etc.) tour Maplehill School campuses and meet members of the faculty. The tour includes a sit-down meeting to discuss specific characteristics of the student’s needs and how Maplehill School might address those needs, as well as student interests and goals. Moving forward, student records are reviewed.
Visit Day and Orientation
After a placement determination has been made the student attends school a full day, taking part in regular school activities. The Visit Day includes a 1:1 review of the Maplehill School Student Handbook to become aware of day to day procedures and expectations with the campus Dean of students .The student may be invited back to attend school regularly for one month as an enrolled student. After this one-month period, Maplehill School and the student's team will meet and assess the fit of the student with the program.
Formal Enrollment
Maplehill School confirms student‘s acceptance into the program.
Maplehill School does not discriminate against: race, color, creed, gender, sexual orientation, religion or any other traits in considering applications for enrollment. Though Maplehill School may not be an appropriate placement for all applicants, we consider each with a gentle, direct and personal approach. Maplehill School reserves the right to determine which of its programs would best suit any given applicant.