Greatwood Campus Program
An educational therapeutic day program for students in grades 4th-7th.
Academic Year: August – June
Summer program: (TBD) probably 4-6 weeks
Class size: 1-5
The Greatwood Campus Program is located in the Wolper Building on the Goddard College Campus. Students work individually or in small groups of two to four. In additional to Core Academics, students explore personal interests and electives, receive counseling, transition planning assistance, and ongoing special education support (if needed) from licensed Special Educators.
We teach nurturing and restorative practices, self-reflection, clear and empathic communication, personal resilience, and taking care. Our curriculum blends traditional academics with experiential learning and a course of study tailored to students’ interests and curiosity. We are committed to land-based learning that is rooted in milieu therapy and in nurturing authentic relationships between students, staff, volunteers, and community members. Students who are successful at Maplehill School tend to be more responsive to relationship-based interventions and supports than behavior modification. After grade 7, students at our Greatwood Campus Program will either move into Maplehill School’s middle- and high school program or re-enter their sending school.
We address each student’s specific needs with accommodations that work, and with a focus on four main areas:
Functional academics
Social literacy
Experiential learning
Artistic expression
Located in the heart of the Goddard College Campus
• 175 acres of Campus to explore, with walking trails
• Math/Science/Humanities Classrooms
• Imaginative Games/Multi-purpose rooms
• Home-style Dining Room
• Conference Room for student Team Meetings
Access to ICP farm campus (3 miles away):
• Art Room, Music Studio, Vocational and Mechanics Center
• 140 acre working farm with cows, chickens, greenhouse and sugar woods
Social/emotional support in a group setting
Maplehill School works closely with the student’s sending school as well as other service providers associated with each student to promote consistency and understanding about each student’s individual goals, plans for implementation and procedures for assessment. The GCP staff support team may meet with students individually and in groups to address patterns of behavior, conflict, emotional connections and also to collaborate with families on best ways to support their student.
Learn more about
our approach.

GCP Summer Program
4-6 Weeks (TBD): July-August
The Summer Program supports students’ academic and enrichment needs.
Farming, Swimming, Canoeing, Hiking, Biking, Fishing, and Fieldtrips.